2024 GHP Semifinalists

DCSS Sees 18 Named Governor's Honors Program Semifinalists
Posted on 03/01/2024
GHP logoEighteen Douglas County School System high school students have been named semifinalists for the 2024 Governor's Honors Program (GHP). The GHP is a residential summer program for skilled, knowledgeable, and talented high school sophomores and juniors.

GHP offers instruction that is significantly different from the typical high school classroom and is designed to provide students with academic, cultural and social enrichment necessary to become the next generation of global critical thinkers, innovators and leaders.

Each year, the program is held mid-summer, and students receive a residential experience at one of Georgia’s colleges or universities. This year, the program will be held at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro from June 16th-July 13th. During their time on campus, students will attend classes in the mornings and afternoons in their specific area of study, and they will participate in a variety of social and instructional programming in the evenings.

To attend GHP, students must first have an interest in an area outside of the traditional school curriculum. Students may be nominated by someone in their school in many different areas, including Communicative Arts, Computer Science, Dance, Engineering, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Studies, Theatre Performance, Visual Arts, World Languages, or Agricultural Research, Biotechnology, and Science.

Once nominated locally, students complete an online application to reach the state’s semifinal round. As semifinalists, students will go through an interview process where they will be expected to have an in-depth discussion about the area in which they are nominated. Finalists for the program will be announced on March 22, 2024.

The 2024 GHP Semifinalists from DCSS with their schools and nomination areas are:

- Sarah Jose, Alexander, Dance
- Joseph Guger, Alexander, Mathematics
-Subasakti Chandrasekaran, Alexander, Mathematics
-Cassyann Vant, Alexander, Visual Arts
-Katrina Rossi, Alexander, World Languages-Spanish
-Ivan Ou, Chapel Hill, Mathematics
-Claire Craton, Chapel Hill, Social Studies
-Alisha Khan, Douglas County, Communicative Arts
-Kaylin Wu, Douglas County, Engineering-Mechanical & Electrical
-Hiba Ghaffar, Douglas County, World Languages-French
-Taylor Vastine, Lithia Springs, Computer Science
-Citlalli Uriostegui, Lithia Springs, Social Studies
-Destiny Francis, Lithia Springs, Visual Arts
-Ashley Johnson, New Manchester, Music Voice: Soprano
-Lyric Gibson, New Manchester, Visual Arts
-Vivian Nowden, New Manchester, Visual Arts
-Jeorgia Allen, New Manchester, Visual Arts
-Courtney Middlebrook, New Manchester, Theatre Performance
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