Research Guidelines

Research Study Requirements for Approval

The Board encourages teacher involvement in an effective curriculum research program which will be beneficial to the students of Douglas County Schools. Instructional research studies may be conducted in the Douglas County School district only upon written authorization of the Superintendent or designee.

Each research proposal shall be evaluated in terms of its possible positive value to the educational program, its administrative feasibility in the schools in terms of the current instructional program, its value to the professional development of teaching and administrative personnel, and its desirable contribution to the educational welfare of Douglas County students.

Persons and/or groups desiring to conduct research activities in the Douglas County School System must request such permission in writing to the Associate Superintendent for Student Achievement and Leadership. Approval of research projects within the Douglas County Schools shall be subject to the projects' having no undue effect or interference with the daily operations of the schools. Even when permission is granted, the School District reserves the right, to its sole discretion, to revoke said permission at any time.

The following information is required for approval:

  1. A written description of the study.
  2. A letter, from the study chairperson, that granting permission to do the study.
  3. A letter, from the graduate school, approving the human studies research.
  4. A copy of any survey questions or oral questions to be used in the study.
  5. A copy of the participant's letter stating that participation is voluntary.
  6. If the study is taking place in a single school, then a letter is required from the principal of that school granting permission for the study. If the study involves a random school or multiple schools, the district will work with the researcher to make arrangements.
  7. A letter with the researcher's signature stating neither students, staff members, schools, nor the Douglas County School System will be identified in any draft or final report of the study.
  8. The Douglas County School System is to receive a copy of all completed research findings.

Please send your information to:

Email Address:
Ms. Chelsie Goodman, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
[email protected]

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