Compliments, Concerns, Complaints

Compliments, Concerns, Complaints 

An effective organization requires a clearly communicated expectation to honor and follow an established chain of command by all the organization’s members and stakeholders. This practice assists in building respect and trust for all and provides the most effective way to address any issue that may arise. In our school district of over 26,600 students, 3,500 employees, and thousands of parents it is even more critical that this practice is honored.

To assist with any issues, please check the “Who Does What” list for immediate assistance. If a parent is having an issue at their child’s school, we highly recommend the best place to start is always with their child’s teacher. Nearly always, any matter can be addressed appropriately at that level. But if not, the principal desires the opportunity to hear any matter associated with the school they are charged to lead. Please give them that opportunity.

An unresolved concern beyond that level should be shared with the Area Executive Director for your child’s school. DCSS' Area Executive Directors and the schools they support can be found below.

If you have a concern regarding a discipline matter you should direct your correspondence to the Director of Student Support and Safety Management Eric Collins: [email protected].

Matters that remain unresolved and have exhausted this requested chain of command may be brought to the attention of the Office of the Superintendent, Trent North:  [email protected].

Please be mindful that our Board Members are governed by State Law and accreditation guidelines, which focus their responsibilities in the area of policy and generally precludes them from being involved in operational and student management issues.

Our goal as a district is to always serve our students, parents and community in the most effective way possible. Your help in following this protocol is very important to our success.   
Angela Carter
[email protected]

Arbor Station Elementary School
Dorsett Shoals Elementary School
Chapel Hill Elementary School
Mason Creek Elementary School

Fairplay Middle School
Mason Creek Middle School
Stewart Middle School
Yeager Middle School

Alexander High School
Chapel Hill High School
College & Career Institute
Shelly Hester
[email protected]

Beulah Elementary School
Bill Arp Elementary School
Eastside Elementary School
Holly Springs Elementary School
Lithia Springs Elementary School
Mt. Carmel Elementary School
New Manchester Elementary School
North Douglas Elementary School
South Douglas Elementary School

Turner Middle School

Douglas County High School
Success Center
FLEX Academy
Keith Racine
[email protected]

Annette Winn Elementary School
Bright Star Elementary School
Burnett Elementary School
Factory Shoals Elementary School
Mirror Lake Elementary School
Sweetwater Elementary School
Winston Elementary School

Chapel Hill Middle School
Chestnut Log Middle School
Factory Shoals Middle School

Lithia Springs High School
New Manchester High School
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