DCSS Multi-Purpose Arena

(December 9, 2021)

Future Multi-Purpose Arena6,000-seat sports arena coming to Douglas County
Former school system central office building located at 9030 Hwy. 5 will be razed

The metal building that has housed the Douglas County School System (DCSS) central office for 35 years is scheduled to be razed on December 21, 2021. In its place will be a multi-purpose sports arena which will host high school graduations and other events.

The new facility will have seating for 6,000 guests, making it large enough to host graduation ceremonies, which are now held at the University of West Georgia Coliseum in Carrollton. The versatile facility will host additional school system events and will be available for rent by outside organizations. Likely events include concerts, plays, trade shows, conferences and conventions. Sports-related activities include tournaments for wrestling, basketball, volleyball, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, field hockey, gymnastics, cheer and dance. The facility will also be large enough to accommodate a gathering of all DCSS employees in one location.

Superintendent Trent North says that the new arena will be an asset to Douglas County. “We look forward to holding our graduations in Douglas County. A 45-minute drive to the University of West Georgia is difficult for some of our students and families,” said North. “We would also like the tax dollars generated by the graduations to benefit Douglas County. In addition, the rental of the facility to outside organizations will boost the economy of our county and region by generating revenue for local businesses, creating jobs and bringing in additional tax dollars,” said North. “People will travel to Douglas County and spend their money at our restaurants, hotels and other businesses.

“The arena is designed to have a ‘wow factor’ and is a facility the entire county will be proud of,” North continued. “ We look forward to welcoming the community to this facility which will be unique for our region.” 
Site of new arena
Construction of the arena will begin in January 2022 
with a completion date some time in 2023. The architect for the project is Robertson Loia Roof, Architects & Engineers. RA-LIN from Carrollton is the contractor. The project is funded by bonds and ESPLOST revenue. The citizens of Douglas County approved the extension of ESPLOST by a vote of 71.68%on June 9, 2020. ESPLOST is the 1% sales tax that is designated for capital projects and payment of bond debt.

The new location for the DCSS central office is 11490 Veterans Memorial Hwy, the former headquarters for GreyStone Power. The Douglas County School system is the largest employer in the county, with 3,300 full-time employees. With an enrollment of 26,000 students, the Douglas County School System is the 17th largest school district in Georgia.

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