Teaching and Learning

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Ms. Chelsie Goodman

Email Ms Goodman

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

Welcome to the Douglas County School System Department for Teaching and Learning.  Our goal as a department is to ensure the vision and mission of our district is fulfilled and to enhance the efforts of our schools, thus enabling students to perform at their highest levels of achievement.

The Department of Teaching and Learning is committed to providing an instructional program that supports academic achievement for all students in the Douglas County School System. It provides leadership and support for teaching and learning in grades K-12, as well as the supervision and professional development of local school faculty and administration.

The department values leaders who have the skills and training to lead schools to increased levels of academic achievement for all students. School leaders must be knowledgeable about instruction and promote a positive school environment in an era of accountability and change. Leaders model high expectations for teachers and students, and execute a vision so that these expectations may be realized.

Teacher leaders assume a wide range of roles to support school and student success. Whether these roles are assigned formally or shared informally, they build the entire school's capacity to improve. Many DCSS teachers serve as leaders among their peers at the district, state, and national levels.


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