Penny clip art
Thank you to the citizens of Douglas County for your continued support of ESPLOST, the 1% sales tax that benefits students and schools. ESPLOST has been collected since 1997 and must be approved by voters every five years. The most recent ESPLOST vote, ESPLOST VI, took place on June 9, 2020, and passed with 71.68% of the vote.

ESPLOST VI collections will begin after the current ESPLOST expires on December 31, 2021. ESPLOST VI is an extension of the current ESPLOST and is not a new or additional tax.

Priorities for ESPLOST VI include four main areas:

1. Debt elimination. By the end of ESPLOST VI on December 31, 2026, the Douglas County School System will be debt free.

2. Construction of a multi-purpose indoor arena for graduation ceremonies and other events

3. New construction on existing campuses

4. Instructional technology

Click here for a detailed list of ESPLOST VI proposed projects.

ESPLOST V (a very brief overview)

From 1997 through the mid 2000's, Douglas County experienced tremendous growth, requiring the construction of 10 new school buildings funded through ESPLOST collections. ESPLOST V has funded projects throughout the county, including the elimination of 37 mobile units housing 74 classrooms; safety enhancements at all schools; payment of bond debt; construction projects, including classroom additions at Alexander High School, Chapel Hill Middle School, and Lithia Springs Elementary School; and a refresh of classroom technology.

Question: Who pays toward the ESPLOST?

Answer: Anyone who shops, dines or buys gas in Douglas County pays the penny sales tax,
including out-of-town and out-of-state consumers.

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