
GSBA Exemplary Board Badge

A five member elected board governs the Douglas County School System. The Douglas County Board of Education is charged with the power of authority to maintain, finance, and make policies to govern the public schools within its jurisdiction. The superintendent is appointed by the board and is charged with the responsibility of administering the public school program of the Douglas County Board of Education.

Members of the 2023 Board of Education and their election districts are: D.T. Jackson, District Two; Tracy Rookard, Chair, District Three; Michelle Simmons, District Four; and Glenn Easterwood, District Five. Mr. Trent North is the Superintendent.

Regular meetings of the board are scheduled on the first and third Monday of each month (with the exception of January, February, April, July, November and December) in the Board Room of the Central Office Administrative Building, 11490 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Douglasville, Georgia 30134. Exceptions to the regularly set dates are primarily based on school system holidays.

Board meetings are called to order at 6:00 p.m., and then move directly into executive session. At 7:00 p.m. the public session is reconvened.

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