Here Comes the Bus Information

Here Comes the Bus GPS Technology Rolls Into Douglas County
Posted on 08/05/2019

Waiting and searching for the school bus will soon be a thing of the past. This school year, the Douglas County School System will be using the popular app “Here Comes the Bus.” This technology delivers real-time bus location information and alerts to parents and students.  

Douglas County School System Transportation Director E.W. Tolbert says this global positioning system (GPS) technology is revolutionizing bus transportation by improving bus safety and  efficiency. "This new technology allows us to deliver a higher level of service to our parents and the 20,000 students we transport to school every day,” he says. "We’re excited to offer this new technology to Douglas County parents and families.”

For many parents, the app will offer reassurance. Here Comes the Bus allows parents to see their children safely get from home to school and back again. For families with more than one student, the app makes it possible to track many buses at one time.  The app can also send notifications to parents or students when the bus nears so they can make it out to the bus on time. On cold or rainy days, this means less time outside waiting for the bus.  

Superintendent Trent North says, “This new school bus technology is part of our ongoing commitment to student learning. The technology behind Here Comes the Bus allows families to keep important bus and route information in the palm of their hand. These important details are what families need to get students to school on time and for our buses to be more efficient and effective.”  

Here Comes the Bus is available for parents and students to download now. The highly-rated free app currently has over a million users. To sign up, visit the Apple or Android store, or visit Each school will provide students the district code needed to complete the registration process.  

Students are still encouraged to arrive at their stop five minutes early and to follow any additional instructions given by drivers. See the forms below for additional information on Here Comes the Bus.

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