Non-traditional Learning

Non-Traditional Learning

For high school students who seek a non-traditional approach to earning a high school diploma, the Douglas County School System offers several options.

College and Career Institute (CCI)
Students attend their base high school for a half day and the CCI for a half day. The half day program at the CCI offers high school career and technical programs and dual enrollment programs through West Georgia Technical College. Students may graduate from high school with technical college certificates and/or college credit.
CCI Fact Sheet

Academy at CCI
Full day program on the campus of West Georgia Technical College offers high school and technical college classes. Students may participate in extracurricular activities and sports at their base high school.

FLEX Academy
FLEX Academy students participate in a fully online, self-paced curriculum with the support of the FLEX Academy teaching staff, which consists of select certified DCSS teachers who monitor student progress and offer differentiated instructional support as needed.

Success Center
The Success Center facilitates three non-traditional school programs for the students of Douglas County: 
1. Performance Learning Center (PLC) is a full-day program. Students learn at their own pace with teachers and an online curriculum to accelerate or catch up on credits.
2. Newcomer Center offers middle and high school students who are new to the U.S. and the English language the opportunity to develop English language skills through rigorous courses in a nurturing environment.
3. Advantage Academy is an alternative program serving middle and high school students who have been removed from the traditional school setting due to disciplinary infractions.

Success Center Fact Sheet updated 092022

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