School Choice Questions and Answers
School choice dates for the 2024-2025 school year are in the early spring.
List of schools with openings
School Choice Application
PERMISSIVE TRANSFERS for 2024-2025 - are available under Student Permissive Transfers
What are the district's responsibilities under School Choice?
A district must annually notify parents by July 1st of each year regarding which schools have available space and which of these schools parents may choose to request a transfer for their children. A district may notify parents by electronic means, e-mail or website, or other reasonable means such as the local newspaper. The local process shall include an explicit deadline for parents who want to apply. A district may have a single enrollment period each year.
How is available classroom space defined?
Available classroom space is defined as permanent classroom space. This does not include the use of trailers. In addition, factors such as projected enrollment, maximum class size and available teacher allocations are considered. Class size capacity is considered by grade level and by subject.
Are districts required to create additional space at specific schools due to the demands for transfers under School Choice?
No. Districts are not required to create additional classroom space. In addition, the district is not required to create a space for a sibling of a student approved for a School Choice transfer.
How will the district select students if the demand at a particular school exceeds the number of available seats?
In the event a particular school has available space and the number of transfer requests exceeds the available classroom space, the district will conduct a lottery that provides each interested student an equal chance to have their transfer request met.
How long is the School Choice transfer valid?
A School Choice transfer is valid for one school year only. Transfers must be renewed on a yearly basis. The student is expected to follow all school policies. Acceptable behavior, attendance, grades and a cooperative/productive relationship between the home and school must be maintained in order for the transfer to remain valid. School Choice transfers may be revoked.
Will the district transport students under School Choice to and from school?
No. If the parent elects to exercise this school choice option, the parent is responsible for all transportation to and from school. School Bus Transportation is not provided.
Can the district deny a transfer request under School Choice?
Yes. School Choice applies to schools with available classroom space. Under those terms, a transfer may be denied based on a lack of permanent classroom space, class size by grade/subject, and programs based on State rule. In addition, transfers may be denied for students' with disabilities (SWD) who have a current Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) that specifies services only offered at a specific school in the district.
All decisions regarding School Choice are final, and may not be appealed.
Are there exemptions to the provisions in School Choice?
Yes. The exemptions are as follows:
- This does not apply to charter schools
- This does not apply to newly opened schools for a period of four years from the school's opening date
How are student athletes treated if they transfer under School Choice?
Middle school students granted a transfer to another middle school will be eligible to participate in athletics as long as they meet the academic and age requirements as established by the Middle School Conference By-Laws.
High school students, other than incoming freshmen, will be ineligible for varsity competition for one calendar year from the date of the transfer but can participate in 9th grade and junior varsity athletics as long as they meet the academic and age requirements as established by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). If a student transfers back to their districted school, he/she will be ineligible once again for varsity competition for one calendar year from the date of the transfer.
Updated: March 20, 2024