Student Permissive Transfer

If your student is NOT enrolled in a DCSS School, please register them under Departments, Registration.

     If you are looking for information on digital options, contact FLEX Academy @ 770-651-2900.

2023-2024        SCHOOL YEAR

2024-2025        SCHOOL YEAR
          Magnet -  February 2-16, 2024
           School Choice - April 17-30, 2024
           Permissive Transfers will be available starting  July 9, 2024
School aged children who reside in Douglas County are assigned to schools based on their primary place of residence. It is the expectation that children attend the schools within their attendance area. Permissive transfer requests may be granted under special circumstances provided the parent/legal guardian can document a unique hardship, emergency or child safety incident.

How can I get a Permissive Transfer form?

Permissive transfer forms are submitted online using the following link

I am new to Douglas County, is my child eligible for a transfer?

Children new to the school system must be enrolled and registered in their zoned/home school prior to parents/legal guardians submitting a transfer request. All transfer requests must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Hardship- An unfortunate, extreme condition or event
  • Emergency- An unforeseen circumstance that calls for immediate action
  • Child Safety- Real, documented threat of harm

Transfer requests will not be processed until the residency verification and enrollment process has been completed and processed.

What if my child is receiving special education services?

If your child is receiving special education services and has an IEP (Individualized Educational Program) Student Services will consult with the Special Education Department regarding your child's transfer request.

When do I apply? For the 2024-2025 school year, link opens JULY 9, 2024.

Permissive transfer forms are not considered until a student is registered and enrolled in the school system.

What happens to my transfer request after it is submitted?

After residency verification is completed, the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services will review the transfer request, along with any supporting documentation. The principal of the child's home school may be contacted for additional information and for input regarding discipline and attendance. All information will be used to make a decision regarding the transfer approval.

When will I hear whether my request has been approved or denied?

The Student Services Department will notify the parent/legal guardian of the transfer decision within 10 calendar days from the date the transfers form is received in the Student Services Office via email address or text message from the Scrib dashboard.

What is a unique hardship?

Unique hardships depend on the family's personal situation. Problems common to large numbers of families, such as issues involving day care and program/course preferences do not constitute a hardship. In addition transfers are not considered for grievances arising from parent-school conflicts, peer group associations, discipline, attendance problems, and a general dissatisfaction with a particular school. Documentation that can be independently verified must accompany all hardship requests, or the request will be denied.

What type of documentation do I need to submit with my request for a hardship transfer?

Documentation depends on your individual situation; however, the documents must represent facts that can be verified independently. Letters from health care professionals, police reports and court orders are types of documents that may be submitted as supporting evidence.

Are permissive transfers approved for academics, signature programs or unique courses?

No. Signature programs and unique courses have been designed for the school in which they are located. Transfer requests to these schools must meet the same criteria as all other permissive transfer requests.

Is transportation provided to the new school?

No. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent when a permissive transfer is approved. No school bus transportation can be arranged.

Will my child be eligible to play interscholastic sports at the new school?

Middle school students granted a transfer to another middle school will be eligible to participate in athletics as long as they meet the academic and age requirements as established by the Middle School Conference By-laws.

High school students, other than incoming freshmen, will be ineligible for varsity competition for one calendar year from the date of the transfer but can participate in 9th grade and junior varsity athletics as long as they meet the academic and age requirements as established by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). If a student transfers back to their districted school, he/she will be ineligible once again for varsity competition for one calendar year from the date of the transfer.

Once my child has been approved for permissive transfer, do I need to reapply each year?

No. Transfers are valid until the highest grade offered at the school is completed.

I have moved, and I want my child to stay at his/her current school. Is this possible?

A parent may request a permissive transfer for their child to remain at his/her current school if they move within Douglas County during the school year. The Assistant Superintendent of Student Services will contact the current school principal to discuss the student's attendance, tardies and behavior. This information will be used to determine if the transfer will be approved. Transfers will not be approved for families who move outside of Douglas County.

Can a permissive transfer be revoked?

Yes. A permissive transfer may be revoked for continuing disciplinary infractions, poor attendance, excessive tardies, falsifying information on the transfer application and/or other forms, and/or failure of the parent to maintain a cooperative relationship between the home and the school. In addition, transfers for students who were approved to attend a special/unique program must return to their home school if they leave that program.

My permissive transfer was denied. How do I appeal?

Appeals must be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent in writing within 5 calendar days of the date on the denial. The appeal letter should state the reason(s) for seeking a review of the decision. It is not necessary to provide additional information for the appeal; however, additional information you wish to have considered should be included.
If you received a denial for a  Permissive Transfer your application may be reconsidered as an appeal.

Appeal forms can be emailed to:  [email protected]
 or mailed to:

Office of the Superintendent,  Mr. Trent North
11490 Veterans Memorial Highway
Douglasville, GA  30134

                         All appeals are reviewed along with the attached documents and information submitted. 

May I request another school after my transfer has been approved?

No. A student may receive only one transfer during a school year.

If one of my children has received a transfer are siblings automatically eligible for a transfer?

No. Transfer of a student does not guarantee the transfer of a sibling. Each student will need to submit an online form to be considered for a transfer.

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