CCI Valentines

CCI Students Show Love By Making Valentines, Goody Bags
Posted on 02/16/2024
A CCI student hugs a resident at the Oaks assisted living facility.DECA students from the College and Career Institute (CCI) showered residents of Oaks assisted living facility in Douglasville with love for Valentine’s Day.

The students hand-crafted valentines with paper, stickers, glitter and markers and included messages like “You’re purrrfect,” “Got a sweet tooth? It’s because you’re so sweet” and “You’re such a joy to be around,” according to CCI Assistant Principal Bakahai Litman.

Marketing teacher and DECA sponsor Savannah Ray and her DECA students delivered the valentines to the Oaks residents after school on Valentine’s Day. They also took each resident a Valentine’s necklace to wear, Litman said.

"It is an honor to serve as the DECA advisor for CCI as my DECA students have such strong ambition and passion for making an impact on the community,” Ray said. “They are constantly working together to grow as young professionals and are always pushing themselves to take on new challenges and make a positive impact on those around them."

DECA students also made goody bags for CCI and West Georgia Technical College faculty and staff for Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Month.

The bags had a letter inside that stated, "CTAE loves our staff!" Each staff member received popcorn, a chocolate bar, pens with motivational messages, and a water bottle.

"February is CTAE Month. It provides an opportunity to highlight the incredible work being done in CTAE not only this month, but throughout the year,” Litman said. “Through CTAE pathways, students have opportunities to explore various fields that prepare them for college and career – which align with DCSS' vision, mission, and beliefs.”
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