SRO Brings Joy to NDES

NDES Resource Officer Spreads Joy on Campus
Posted on 11/21/2022
School Resource Officer Quinta Lossa delights in serving students and keeping them safe. During her first year with the Douglas County School Police Department, she has worked tirelessly to find creative ways to support a positive and welcoming school environment.

On North Douglas Elementary School’s campus, administrators say her presence brings joy and excitement. Assistant Principal Dr. Charles Few explains when Officer Lossa is around, staff and students feel safe. He says she always knows when her presence is needed.

“We never have to ask her to do anything," said Few. "She sees what needs to be done. And she does it.”

Principal Pamela Wooley says Officer Lossa provides much more than safety and security for North Douglas. For example, she shares a mailbox of positive affirmations and allows others to contribute. Her goal, Wooley said, is to help everyone know their presence adds value to the school community.

“Officer Lasso exemplifies servant leadership and what it means to community police,” said Principal Wooley.

The North Douglas Elementary School family is exceptionally grateful for Officer Lossa’s contributions.

“Her presence is extremely special to the Stingray family and the Douglas County School System Police Department,” said Principal Wooley. “We are grateful to have her in our school community, and we celebrate her daily.”
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