DCSS Celebrates Veterans Day

DCSS Celebrates Veterans Day
Posted on 11/21/2022
From parades to ceremonies, schools across the district held Veterans Day celebrations to honor the men and women in our community who have served in the United States military.

Many schools like Chestnut Log Middle and Sweetwater Elementary participated in parades, where students and faculty lined the hallways singing military songs while veterans walked through.

Bright Star Elementary, hosted a light breakfast and students wrote thank you letters for veterans.

Yeager Middle, Chapel Hill and North Douglas Elementary decorated doors, hallways and had displays that honored fallen soldiers. While students at FLEX Academy heard from a guest speaker, U.S. Army Sergeant First Class, Richard Lehnhardt. 
Student at Veterans Day program

Holly Springs Elementary partnered with Chapel Hill High School (CHHS) to honor veterans with an assembly. Students presented a history of Veterans Day, several poetry readings, and a performance of our National Anthem by the elementary school chorus.  Members of the CHHS National Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) served as the color guard and presented the flags for the anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Veterans from the community and Douglas County Schools employees were recognized for their service.

Students at Veterans Day parade
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