Local Author Visit

Local Author Visits AHS Classroom
Posted on 11/14/2022
Alexander High School, early childhood education and teaching as a profession teacher, Brooke Morris, invited retired Douglas County School System educator and author Kim Eldredge to speak to her class. 

The curriculum standards that Morris' level three students are learning in class focus on determining activities necessary to support early childhood communication and language development. Two particular standards the students focus on for project based learning are: the importance of reading to children from infancy through childhood and evaluating the characteristics of a high quality children's book using developmentally appropriate guidelines.

Morris’ students are tasked with creating literacy sets that will go out to the community, so new parents have guidelines and a starting point for reading with their children. She felt that inviting the author would benefit and engage her students and help them to understand why this project is real-world and important. Kim Eldredge immediately agreed to come and present. Each student received a donated copy of the book. The book donations were made in honor of teachers that made an impact in their lives or people who showed them the importance of reading. 

Eldredge signed each one of the books, and gave a presentation on the areas that address the standards they are learning about.

The book “The Sky is the Limit,” was written to convey to children the limitless career choices they have when they grow up. Eldredge said that "I hope my presentation inspired Morris’ students to continue on their path to become educators." The author and former educator believes that teaching is the most rewarding career there is.
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