SDES Students Get to Read with Nature
Posted on 11/14/2022
The last couple of years have presented challenges to teachers, students and families, alike. However, in response to the challenges, a wonderful addition was added to the grounds of South Douglas Elementary School.
Last year reading teachers Thomas Bruno and Natalie Benton realized the benefits of taking 4th graders outdoors to enjoy reading. Each day, when the weather was nice, the students dragged their chairs outside to the driveway along with their chapter books and laptops to read and work. It was quite a cumbersome process. Mr. Bruno and Mrs Benton noticed a shady, open area near the school building and saw a unique opportunity.
Benton went into action and partnered with Howard Ray, president and CEO of HRC, an engineering firm located in Douglasville. Thanks to HRC’s contribution, four brand-new metal picnic tables were delivered at the end of last school year. SDES Assistant Principal, Paul Spence assembled the tables and placed them under the pine trees. Now South Douglas students regularly have the chance to read a good book while enjoying a cool breeze outdoors.
“I like how we can go outside to read and enjoy the fresh air, which helps us concentrate better. I am very grateful for the tables donated by HRC,” said Luke Bell, a student at SDES.