Musical ARTSventure Delights Sweetwater Students
Posted on 09/26/2022
The Cultural Arts Council of Douglasville/Douglas County delighted Sweetwater Elementary School students this month with a musical ARTSventure.
Singer Arietha Lockhart began the journey by leading students on a joy-filled operatic adventure. The music educator and opening music act for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics is known for meeting children where they are and guiding them into songs about self-reflection. On this visit, Lockhart focused on character building. Lockhart talked about what it means to be a person of outstanding character. 
Lockhart's lyrics encourage audience participation. Her voice invites the audience to sing along, with lyrics reminding them that everything they do is a choice. Throughout her performances, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chamber Chorus soloist inspired Sweetwater Knights to always be students of integrity. Lockart reminded them that they are community citizens and must seek to be actively informed. Through listening and repeating, Lockhart shared profound and valuable life truths.
Lockhart's visit was made possible by the Cultural Arts Council and sponsorship from Georgia Council for the Arts, Greystone Power Foundation, and Gwendolyn Parker. One lucky school is chosen every month during the school year to receive an ARTSventure performance. Each monthly performance provides age-specific lessons on everything from culture to curriculum.