DCSS Work-Based Learning

DCSS Students Thriving in WBL Programs
Posted on 09/12/2022
Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a continuum of awareness, exploration, preparation, and training activities, including developing employability and technical skills that support success in careers and postsecondary education. Douglas County School System (DCSS) students that are in the 11th and 12th grade, who are on track for graduation, are a minimum of 16 years of age, and meet the program requirements may enroll in the program.

The program is an education option that prepares students for the world of work through a combination of academic and workplace learning. WBL is based on the belief that our youth must be better  prepared  for the future if they are to be successful in a competitive, global economy.  

During the eighth, ninth and 10th grade students begin exploring their career interests.  In 9th and 10th grade students should begin taking courses in the academic and technical areas that help to lay the foundation for their future careers. Additionally, as students continue to take coursework related to his/her career interest, they also begin paid, on-the-job training or a non-paid internship through a structured workplace learning program.

This combination of structured learning and authentic work experiences are implemented through an education and industry partnership. Students have the opportunity to connect what they learn in school with worksite applications, enabling a smooth transition into the workforce and education beyond high school. Student working at salon

Senior Jabari Johnson (pictured right), employed at ToniMonae Salon, says, “since I have started working, I have developed the skills of dependability, communication, professionalism and time management. These skills have all taught me to show up for work on time and be prepared. I know these skills will help me in the future. I realize how important a good work ethic is and how to do work efficiently.”

Work-Based Learning activities culminate in an assessment and recognition of acquired knowledge and skills, at the end of the school year.
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