DCSS Gymnasts Shine at Regional Competition
Posted on 05/18/2022
Braelynn Carnes and Paige Alexander competed at the USA Level 8 Gymnastics Regionals, which was held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Braelynn and Paige competed against the top Level 8 gymnasts, within their age divisions, from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Both Braelynn and Paige attend Douglasville Gymnastic and Cheerleading Team.
Braelynn, who is a 7th grader at Mason Creek Middle School, came in 2nd place All Around in her age division. She is an honor student with all advanced classes, a member of FCA, and also a representative of MCMS for the Student Advisory group. Braelynn works hard to balance school and gymnastics. Although her gymnastic season has ended for the year, she will continue to practice daily 4-5 hours per day. In addition, this summer she will attend multiple gymnastic camps including the University of Alabama where she hopes to one day attend college! The upcoming 2023 season, Braelynn will compete as a Level 9 gymnast!
Paige Alexander, a Sophomore at Alexander High School, came in 4th place All Around in her age division. Paige is a member of HOSA, Beta Club, and the National Honors Society and maintains a 4.0 average while competing in gymnastics. She will spend her summer training for level 9 but take 10 days off to attend an Alexander High School trip to Italy, France, and England. Paige hopes to one day work in the field of Forensics.
We are so proud of these Douglas County students and their accomplishments. We can't wait to see what their future holds!