Arbor Station Elementary School Hosts Real Men Read
Posted on 03/28/2022
On March 18th, Arbor Station Elementary welcomed men to come read to students. Special guest readers were all over the school reading to classes, including Superintendent North.
The male participants included DCSS leaders and staff, partners in education, and parents/guardians of students that attend ASES. Each man went to a designated classroom to read to students for 15 minutes.
This literacy event is designed to show our students how important it is to be good readers in order to succeed in every area of life, and sow positive seeds that provide lasting effects. 
Real Men Read is a program that brings male role models from the community into the school classrooms to read books and share stories to promote interest in reading and lifelong learning. In addition to promoting reading, the event seeks to address the lack of male role models in elementary education by allowing students to spend time sharing books with male role models in the community and reinforce the importance of reading in careers and life. The event occurs twice a year at the school.