CHES Students Read Over 600 Books in One Week
Posted on 03/14/2022
To celebrate Read Across America Week, Mrs. Cameron Sheldon, Chapel Hill Elementary Media Specialist, issued a challenge to all students to compete against other classes in their grade level by reading books and taking Accelerated Reader (AR) tests.
The class with the most points by the end of the week would win a chance to tape Coach Dennis to the wall. Our students read and completed tests on over 600 books for the week as a school! The winning classes were allowed to tape Coach Dennis to a pillar in the media center.
Expressions of pure joy were on the faces of all students and teachers and squeals could be heard down the hall. Students are already asking when the next challenge will take place. The response from the teachers and faculty about how motivated they have been to read and take AR tests has been overwhelming!
In addition to taping Coach Dennis to the wall, each day of the week a staff member dressed as a masked character and read an excerpt of their favorite book on our morning newscast. We called this the Masked Reader!
Students used a clue to vote using a Google Form in the Red Carpet Readers (Media Center) Google Classroom on the staff member they believed was the Masked Reader. This was an absolute blast!
Mrs. Sheldon stated, "It is my goal to ensure that our students are excited about reading and build a life-long love of reading. Read Across America is a great time to get students excited about reading and having fun! I'm so pleased to see so many students truly excited for reading! The Masked Reader and the AR Challenge was a tremendous success!"
The Cheetahs enjoyed a wonderful week of reading.