To kick off Read Across America Week, Superintendent North read at North Douglas Elementary School's Virtual Family Literacy Night event on Monday night.
The week prior, NDES parents picked up a bag with three books provided by the L4GA grant and a pack of popcorn to pop the night of the event.
Monday night NDES families logged on with their popcorn and heard Mr. North read the book "The World Needs Who You Were Made to Be" by Joanna Gaines. Following his reading, families were encouraged to enjoy reading all of the books they received.
Governor Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp also celebrated Read Across America by reading "My Very Favorite Book in the Whole Wide World" by Malcolm Mitchell.
On Wednesday, Governor Kemp signed a proclamation that declares March 2nd as Read Across America Day in Georgia.
Like NDES, Bright Star Elementary also had special guests attend their school to celebrate Read Across America Week.
Retired Douglas County middle school teacher, Rhonda K. Davis, visited the school March 2nd on Dr. Seuss' birthday. She read engaging stories to the K-3 students in the building. 
On Thursday, March 3rd Ms. Tabrieah Cobb from Keep Douglas County Beautiful brought in a surprise guest, who read and taught students why it is important to help keep our community clean.
Students and teachers enjoyed these visits along with daily dress ups and read aloud story times by the school's media specialist, Mrs. Barnett.