Rams Writing with a Purpose
Posted on 01/19/2022
Did you know that there are national days celebrated every day? Many of these days were created in the spirit of fun, while others are highlighted to help us learn more about historical events and figures. Well, the students at Mt. Carmel has used these "fun" holidays to take their writings to the next level.
In an effort to increase students' interest in writing, Dr. Tenia Boone, principal, implemented Drop Everything & Write (D.E.W). She believed that pairing the celebration of fun-filled holidays with creative writing opportunities would create relevant writing opportunities to authentically engage students.
During D.E.W time, the students are provided with three writing prompts that are centered around special dates and occasions for each day of the week. These fun and engaging story starters give our Rams the ability to learn new fun facts about holidays that are celebrated around the globe.
Mrs. Manley, third grade teacher, shared that the prompts offer a variety of practice across all genres of writing from informational to persuasive to narrative. She added that her students appear to enjoy watching their words flow across the pages, and they really enjoy sharing their writings and experiences.
Mrs. Moore, fifth grade teacher, added that she loves that the topics relate to International and National days that many people may not know about. She also shared that she likes that the students are offered a choice and are engaged in sustainable writing topics that promote differentiation. She has seen an increased love of writing in her classroom.
Reagan Metayer, third grade student, stated that she really likes all the topics. Some of the topics are easy and others are challenging. My favorite topics to select are the ones that I have experience with because I have done some of the activities at home with my family.
Neveah Spence, fourth grade student, shared that she loves the topics. She said that her favorite writing topics are when she has to persuade others to make a decision that she thinks is better than another idea.