On January 6th Dorsett Shoals celebrated their second “Data Day” of the school year. Students participated in a virtual pep rally in which Mrs. Kelly Brown, principal, congratulated students on all of the progress made during 1st semester, and spoke about the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them.
The virtual pep rally concluded with Mrs. Brown teaching & leading the entire school in a Data Day Cheer: "D - A - T - A! Let’s celebrate data day!"
Classrooms could be seen and heard all throughout the school shouting the cheer and waving their pom-poms.
Over 80% of students met their 1st Data Day goal and attended the “Goal Getter GLOW Party” in the gym complete with glow sticks, music, and a disco ball. Even our SRO, Officer Outley, got in on the fun!
Teachers and students utilize “Data Days” to conference about academic progress as indicated by Star testing scores and math fact fluency scores in all grades, as well as sight word accomplishments in the younger grades.
Teachers assist students in charting their growth and setting individualized new goals for the next quarter. The entire Dorsett community is looking forward to the two remaining Data Days scheduled for March and May. Let’s go Panthers!