NMES Students Make a Difference

NMES Students Making a Difference
Posted on 01/21/2022
The National Jr. Beta Club celebrates it's founders each year. The theme for the celebration this school year was "Make a Difference." Betas at New Manchester Elementary have certainly been doing just that in their school, community, and beyond.

Under the leadership of their dedicated sponsors, Kelli Rowsey, Brandon Bowen, George Hamilton, and Shanta Williams, they have worked cooperatively to help many others. In their school, they held a Service Saturday where they cleaned up school grounds, and secretly delivered "Staff Smiles" for every staff member.

When they arrived to work the following Monday, the certificate of appreciation and treat made them smile. For students, they left encouraging chalk messages all around the playground. They also raised $300 in one week and donated it to Sister by Choice, an Atlanta-based breast cancer action organization that helps those who are underserved by conducting mobile mammograms. NMES staff enjoyed jeans passes for their donations.

Additionally, NMES Betas thought it was important to get students together safely to socialize since the pandemic caused us to have to be apart for so long. As a result, they held a Socially Distanced Sock Hop. They each invited up to five friends to wear their craziest socks and play games, dance, and enjoy concessions in the gym. Everyone invited and all of the Betas brought new pairs of socks that were donated to Gateway 180, a women and children's shelter in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Over 75 new pairs of socks were donated.

Although they meet virtually, you can always find this group working together to uphold the pillars of Beta: Achievement, Character, Leadership, and Service to make a difference.
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