Graduation Rate 2020

Douglas County Graduation Rate for Class of 2020 Shows Increase, Surpasses State Average
Posted on 11/10/2020

The Douglas County School System Class of 2020 four-year high school graduation rate of 89.4% once again surpassed the graduation rate for Georgia. According to data released by the Georgia Department of Education on November 10, 2020, the graduation rate for the state was 83.8%. Scores in Douglas County increased from 87.4% in 2019 to 89.4% in 2020. For the sixth consecutive year, all five high school in Douglas County exceeded the state graduation rate.

“Our goal in the Douglas County School System is for every student not only to graduate, but to graduate prepared for college or the military or with the skills needed to succeed in the workforce,” said Superintendent Trent North. “While we are proud of the gains we are making, we will continue to work with our students to achieve at the highest levels. Earning a high school diploma and having the skills to succeed at the next level are essential for having a successful career and becoming an engaged and productive citizen.”

The U.S. Department of Education requires that Georgia report the graduation rate using the adjusted cohort rate. The four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate is defined as the cohort when a student first enters 9th grade and is calculated based on the number of students who graduate within four years.

Four of five high schools in Douglas County saw a gain in graduation rate, including Alexander, Chapel Hill, Douglas County and Lithia Springs High Schools. Schools with the highest graduation rates were Chapel Hill High School at 94.9% and Alexander High School at 94.2%. Lithia Springs saw the most growth in graduation rate, with a rate of 87.0% in 2020, up from 82.2% in 2019.

“I am proud of the Class of 2020,” said Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Melanie Manley. “These students faced many challenges as they closed out the 2019-2020 school year online due to the pandemic. I am proud of their perseverance in the face of these obstacles. I’m also proud of our elementary and middle school teachers who worked hard to prepare students for the rigor of high school courses. Our high school teachers, counselors and administrators have also worked tirelessly to provide the support our students need to be successful.”

For more information about graduation rates, please visit the Georgia Department of Education website,

Graduation Rate by State, County, and School



All Douglas County

Alexander HS

Chapel Hill HS

Douglas County HS

Lithia Springs HS

New Manchester HS


















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