Teachers Bring Anatomy to Life Through Virtual Technology
Anatomage virtual dissection tables have launched in four high schools, making Douglas County students among the first in the state to embrace the cutting edge technology. The state-of-the-art technology has quickly become a valuable tool in medical schools, hospitals, and institutions around the globe. Only two other high schools in Georgia have access to this tool.
The tables allow students to interact with life-size, three-dimensional representations of human organs and body systems. Students can manipulate the images and zoom, rotate, dissect, and overlay multiple systems at once.
Healthcare Science Teacher Rebecca Lee has recently been using the tables at Douglas County High School to demonstrate the reproductive system and an ectopic pregnancy. Lee says it allows her to teach important concepts to students. “The students love the Anatomage table. It really brings our lessons to life. I am excited because this demonstrates Douglas County School System's commitment to embracing cutting edge technology and advancing quality instruction.”
K-12 Science, STEM & Computer Science Coordinator Casey Bethel says Douglas County students are already reaping the benefits of increased student engagement. “The Anatomage tables are bringing Anatomy and Physiology to life for the first time. It is even better than having The Bodies Exhibit right there in the classroom because students can peel back the layers of the body and zoom, rotate or dissect various organ systems themselves. DCSS is going above and beyond to create the health care professionals of the future.”
Not only will students use Anatomage this school year to explore human anatomy, they can also explore the anatomy of over 270 animals. Teachers are embracing the technology for students in healthcare-related career paths, where they can use more advanced features of the table like surgical technique and radiology. Because Anatomage’s content can be delivered virtually, students in all classes can benefit through virtualizations.
The four life-sized tables are available at Alexander, Chapel Hill, Douglas County and New Manchester High Schools. An additional table is anticipated for Lithia Springs High School this fall.
Click the video to see a segment of a recent lesson at Douglas County High School. In addition to showing features of the Anatomage table, the video also highlights the way our teachers are interacting with students in person and online simultaneously.