Welcome to kindergarten in the Douglas County School System! We are thrilled to have the Class of 2033 join us for an exciting journey! Kindergarten is a time of personal adjustment and a stepping out beyond the family to the wider world. For a video of Frequently Asked Questions about kindergarten in the Douglas County School System, please click the link below.
Video of Frequently Asked Questions for Kindergarten Parents
Beginning Friday, May 1, parents may register their children for kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year.
Completing registration early will help your child’s teacher to be ready to welcome your child when the school year begins on August 5, 2020. Parents must begin the registration process online at https://campus.douglas.k12.ga.us/campus/OLRLoginKiosk/douglas. Until further notice, the registration process will include the uploading of documents needed for registration. Accepted document types include .pdf, .docx, and .doc files. Registration staff will notify you if there is a problem with your online registration and/or documents. Please keep in mind that registration will not be completed until the documents have been uploaded and accepted. The Douglas County School System reserves the right to request original documents at any time.
Families that are unable to obtain the required immunization (form 3231) and/or Eye Ear Dental/BMI (form 3300) screening documents due to the COVID-19 situation will be given additional time to obtain those documents, but they should begin the registration process as soon as possible. Documents should be submitted to the school as soon as the system opens to the public.
Virtual Kindergarten Roundup May 5th
We are excited to offer a Virtual Kindergarten Roundup on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, for each elementary school. During this virtual event on Facebook Live, parents will receive important information regarding kindergarten at that particular school as well as registration information. Go to your school's website to find out additional information, including the time scheduled for the Virtual Kindergarten Roundup on May 5!
Georgia law requires that kindergarten students be five years old on or before Sept. 1, 2020.
The following documents are needed to complete the registration process:
- Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
- Georgia Immunization Form 3231 (complete for school)
- Georgia Eye, Ear, Dental and BMI Form 3300 (must be completed within 12 months prior to enrollment in a Georgia School)
- Student’s Social Security Card or Waiver
- Parent/Legal Guardian’s Photo ID
- Custody/Guardianship Papers signed by a judge (if applicable)
- Proof of Residency - The following items are accepted as proof of residency:
- If you rent: You must bring a CURRENT lease agreement and a CURRENT utility bill or connection receipt. Your utility bill or connection receipt must have your name and current address and be no more than 30 days old.When renting a home from another party, the signature of the homeowner and renter must be on the lease and notarized.
- If you own:You must bring your CURRENT mortgage statement or tax bill and a CURRENT utility or connection receipt.Your utility bill or connection receipt must have your name and current address and be no more than 30 days old.
Please remember to check with your doctor or the local health department to complete and update the immunization record for your child. It is required that all students’ immunization is in 100% compliance.
Information Regarding Free/Reduced Meals for Kindergarten Students
All students are expected to pay for meals until a Free or Reduced application is submitted and approved. However, new kindergarten students to Douglas County Schools with siblings who participated in the Free or Reduced meal program for 2019-2020 may qualify to eat on sibling’s prior year status for the first 30 days of school year 2020-2021 or until a new free or reduced application is processed. If your incoming kindergarten student has an older sibling who was on free or reduced lunch for 2019-2020, please click here for a form in English or here for a form in Spanish. You may fill out this form so that your kindergarten student may receive free or reduced lunch on a temporary basis for the first 30 days of school.
For additional information on kindergarten registration, call 770-651-2050 or go to www.dcssga.org. Registration is listed under the Departments tab.