Dear Parents,
The Douglas County School System (DCSS) takes the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue very seriously, and DCSS leadership is monitoring the recommendations from the CDC and public health on a frequent basis to assure that we are all doing what we can to protect the health of our students and school system employees. This is one of our highest priorities.
At this time, public health has two recommendations for our DCSS families:
We encourage families to frequently check the CDC website for the most current, reliable information about this issue, particularly before considering any travel plans.
Families are also asked to follow guidelines for reducing the spread of any respiratory illness by diligently doing the following:
- Wash your hands with soap and water often
- Cover your coughs and sneezes, preferably with a tissue and throw that tissue away
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Stay home from school or work (except to get medical care) if you are ill
- Call ahead before visiting your doctor
- Separate yourself from other people when you are ill
- Avoid sharing personal household items with others who are ill
- Clean all “high-touch” surfaces everyday
Please be assured that the leadership in the school system is looking at alternatives for learning if Coronavirus spreads in our area. Should it become necessary to close schools for an extended period of time to avoid the spread of illness, we are prepared to keep our students engaged and learning through the use of technology.
In addition, the Douglas County School System has increased efforts to clean our high touch surfaces well every day with recommended solutions. We are also reminding school personnel to more rigorously enforce school illness policies related to attendance. As additional guidance is provided to school systems from the CDC, we will keep you informed.
Trent North, Superintendent