Transportation Committee Meeting 2

Transportation Committee Holds Second Meeting
Posted on 02/12/2020

The transportation committee met for the second time on February 6, 2020, 10:00 a.m. at the Board of Education Central Office. Kwame Carr, assistant superintendent of district operations for the school system and chair of the transportation committee, opened the meeting and explained the revised timeline.

Facilitator Garry Puetz, who has 23 years of experience in student transportation in Gwinnett, DeKalb, and Forsyth Counties, presented information outlining transportation goals, challenges, current performance data and the performance of the Douglas County School System (DCSS) compared to surrounding counties. He then went through each of the ideas that was generated by the committee groups at the last meeting and discussed how effective each would be at solving the problems faced by DCSS.

Two ideas that were discussed at length were to:

  • Consolidate and designate bus stops to improve the level of service and provide consistency and safety
  • Move to a fully tiered system, with elementary, middle and high school levels starting and ending their day at staggered times with a greater interval between start times than we currently have. Mr. Puetz acknowledged that we should expect complaints from parents if starting and ending times for schools are changed.

Mr. Puetz also said that every county communicates that for school bus stops to be safe, parents/guardians must be expected to provide supervision for their student that is appropriate to their maturity level and the environment surrounding the stop.

For Mr. Puetz’s presentation, please click here.

Options outlined by Mr. Puetz will be discussed further at the next meeting of the committee. The committee will make a recommendation to the superintendent on March 26.

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