Winter Weather Digital Learning

Preparing for Winter Weather...
Posted on 12/17/2019

Based on parent and teacher survey results regarding the digital learning day in January of 2019, the instructional department has been working to refine the procedures and expectations for the current school year.

“If we have snow, the school system could be shut down for as many as three days. With the availability of technology, students can continue with assignments and teachers can be available for assistance,” said Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Melanie Manley. “Our goal this year is to make digital learning days both productive for students and manageable for parents.”

On a day at home due to inclement weather, parents can expect that grade level assignments will be posted on the school website by 9:00 am. Assignments will not require the use of a printer. While some assignments will require the use of technology, others assignments will not, which should help those families with two or more children who have to share devices. For elementary students, combined assignments will take no more than two hours to complete. Middle and high school students can expect two to three hours of assignments.

To accommodate students who may not have access to technology because of power outages or other issues, students will have one full week to complete and submit assignments after school resumes. They may request a hard copy of assignments if needed. On all digital learning days, elementary teachers will be available via email from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Middle and high school teachers will be available 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

For a handy infographic with procedures and links, click here.

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